
Contemporary Materials I−1 (2010)

Contemporary Materials, I–1 (2010)  Page 98 - 104

UDK 678.6:66.04

Influence oF the ways for removing The excess of composit resin cement materials on the surface roughness degree

B. Trifković1, I. Budak2, D. Jevremović3, T. Puškar4, A. Todorović1

1 University of Belgrade, School of Dentistry, Clinic for Prosthodontics, Belgrade, Rankeova 4, Serbia
2 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, Novi Sad, Serbia
3 School of Dentistry, Pančevo, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry,Zrenjaninski put 179, Pančevo, Serbia
4 University of Novi Sad, Medical faculty, School of Dentistry, Dental clinic of Vojvodina, Hajduk Veljkova 12, Serbia


The mic­ro­struc­tu­re of re­sin-ba­sed ce­ment ma­te­ri­als is mostly com­po­sed of hybrid fil­lers. The impro­ve­ment of che­mi­cal- and mic­ro- struc­tu­re of re­sin-ba­sed ce­ment ma­te­ri­als dec­re­a­sed the de­gree of the sur­fa­ce ro­ug­hness.

Sub­gin­gi­val re­gion is the area of the most com­mon lo­ca­li­za­tion of the de­mar­ca­tion li­ne. Such loca­tion of the de­mar­ca­tion zo­ne do­es not al­low a pro­per re­mo­val of the ex­cess cement du­ring ce­men­ting pro­ce­du­re of the fi­xed den­tal re­sto­ra­ti­ons. The most com­mon pro­blems oc­cur du­ring the re­mo­val pro­ce­du­res of re­sin-ba­sed ce­ment ma­te­ri­als which, after the polyme­ri­za­tion, are not so­lu­ble in the sul­cus fluid. The ro­ugh sur­fa­ce of the expo­sed ce­ment ma­te­ri­als re­pre­sents predilec­tion area for den­tal pla­que ac­cu­mu­la­tion with the pos­si­bi­lity of ca­u­sing gin­gi­vi­tis and paro­don­to­pathy.

The aim of the study is to show the in­flu­en­ce of met­hods used to re­mo­ve the ex­cess of resin-based ce­ment ma­te­ri­als on the ro­ug­hness de­gree of the ex­po­sed sur­fa­ce. Wit­hin the ex­pe­ri­ment, the te­eth with ce­men­ted ce­ra­mic crowns we­re ob­ser­ved. The re­mo­val procedu­re of the ex­cess ce­ment ma­te­rial was con­duc­ted in fo­ur dif­fe­rent ways. The exposed sur­fa­ce of ce­ment ma­te­rial was, af­ter the polyme­ri­za­tion, ob­ser­ved un­der the scan­ning elec­tron mic­ro­sco­pe (SEM).

The re­sults of the analysis per­for­med by using the SEM in­di­ca­te va­ri­o­us ro­ug­hness degrees in the sur­fa­ce of the ce­ment ma­te­rial. The lo­west de­gree of ro­ug­hness was observed on the po­lis­hed sur­fa­ce. The hig­hest de­gree of ro­ug­hness was ob­ser­ved wit­hin the met­hods most com­monly used in prac­ti­ce, such is bre­a­king off of the ex­cess ce­ment af­ter the ro­ent­ge­no­scopy for 5-se­cond dura­tion, fol­lo­wed by to­tal light polyme­ri­za­tion. On the ba­sis of the analysis of the ob­ser­ved surfa­ces, it can be con­clu­ded that met­hods used to re­mo­ve ex­cess ce­ment ma­te­rial sig­ni­fi­cantly in­flu­en­ce the de­gree of its sur­fa­ce ro­ug­hness.

Keywords: Com­po­sit re­sin ce­ment, ce­ment sur­fa­ce, SEM mic­ro­scop, fi­xed den­tal restaura­tion.

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