
Contemporary Materials II−1 (2011)

Contemporary Materials II−1 (2011) Page 62 of 68

UDK 616.314.5:615.242‒07


D. Marković1,*, B. Petronijević1, L. Blažić1, I. Šarčev1, T. Atanacković2

1 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Clinic of Dentistry, Novi Sad, Hajduk Veljkova 3, Serbia 
2 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Institute of Mechanics, Novi Sad, Hajduk Veljkova 3, Serbia

The aims of this study we­re to exa­mi­ne the ul­ti­ma­te strength of the re­sto­red ma­xil­lary in­ci­sors with com­po­si­te re­sin, den­tal amal­gam and glas­si­o­no­mer ce­ment as a tran­si­ti­o­nal re­sto­ra­tion. Fifty-six ex­trac­ted hu­man ma­xil­lary cen­tral in­ci­sors with in­tact and ca­ri­o­us den­tin we­re used. The con­trol gro­up con­si­sted of eight un­re­sto­red te­eth with in­tact den­tin. Ar­ti­fi­cial de­fect in den­tin was up to the half of the ana­to­mic crown of the to­oth. Af­ter co­re bu­ild-up pro­ce­du­re, each ro­ot of every spe­ci­men was mo­un­ted in auto­polyme­ri­zing acrylic re­sin blocks which we­re sto­red in dis­til­led wa­ter at 37°C one day be­fo­re te­sting. Then it was pla­ced in a spe­ci­ally adap­ted jig at an an­gle of 130 de­gre­es to la­bio-pa­la­tal axis and su­bjec­ted to a con­trol­led load that was re­cor­ded in a uni­ver­sal te­sting mac­hi­ne at a crosshead speed of 1 mm per mi­nu­te un­til fa­i­lu­re oc­cur­red. The­re we­re no sig­ni­fi­cant dif­fe­ren­ces among con­trol gro­up and re­sto­red te­eth with com­po­si­te re­sin and den­tal amal­gam with in­tact den­tin (p<0.05). In the gro­up with ca­ri­o­us-af­fec­ted den­tin, the­re we­re no dif­fe­ren­ces among re­sto­ra­ti­ve ma­te­ri­als and the va­lu­es we­re sta­ti­sti­cally sig­ni­fi­cantly lo­wer in com­pa­ri­son to the con­trol gro­up. Ba­sed on the da­te ob­ta­i­ned, we con­clu­ded that the hig­hest ove­rall strength of re­sto­red in­ci­sors with in­tact den­tin, when 50 per cent of the co­ro­nal part of the to­oth is mis­sing, was ac­hi­e­ved by using com­po­si­te re­sin and den­tal amal­gam as a tran­si­ti­o­nal re­sto­ra­tion and as a co­re bu­ild-up ma­te­rial. The ca­ri­es-af­fec­ted den­tin led to lo­wer bond strength of re­sto­red te­eth. Al­so it has been con­clu­ded that com­po­si­te re­sin has the best bond and ten­si­o­nal strength ra­tio.

Keywords: bond strength, composite resin, core build-up, dental amalgam, glass ionomer cements, transitional restoration.

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