Contemporary Materials I−1 (2010)
Contemporary Materials, I–1 (2010) Page 80 - 86
On Some Quantum Approaches to Biomolecular Recognition
D. Raković1, M. Dugić2, J. Jeknić-Dugić3, M. Plavšić4, G. Keković5, D. Davidović6,7, S. Jaćimovski8, J. Šetrajčić9,10, B. Tošić9,11, I. Cosic7, L. A. Gribov12
Two unresolved issues of the (semi)classically addressed problems in molecular biophysics are unreasonably long time necessary for change of biopolymer conformations and long-range directedness of selective biomolecular recognition processes – implying their essential quantum origin. In this paper, several possible quantum approaches to biomolecular recognition are considered: Theory of Non-Radiative Resonant Structural Transitions, Model of Quantum Decoherence, and Resonant Recognition Model. These approaches might be of fundamental importance in understanding underlying macroscopic quantum-holographic Hopfield-like control mechanisms of morphogenesis, and their backward influence on the expression of genes, with significant potential psychosomatic implications.
Keywords: Biomolecular Recognition, Conformational Transitions, Quantum Biophysics, Quantum Bioinformatics.
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