
Contemporary Materials I−2 (2010)

Contemporary Materials I−2 (2010)     Page 186 of 194

UDK 620.91:621.375.826


D. Bjelopavlić1, Danijela Pantić2, B. Đorđević3, D. Pantić1,*

1 University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia
2 ETŠ “Nikola Tesla“, Niš, Serbia
3 Megatrend University, Belgrade, Serbia


So­lar mo­du­les ba­sed on sin­gle crystal and polycrystal­li­ne si­li­con ha­ve al­most a 90% sha­re of the to­tal world mar­ket, pri­ma­rily be­ca­u­se of the­ir sta­ble, ro­bust and re­li­a­ble cha­rac­te­ri­stics. For the­se re­a­sons, a gre­at deal of at­ten­tion is de­vo­ted to im­pro­ving the­ir cha­rac­te­ri­stics and espe­ci­ally the­ir ef­fi­ci­ency. One of the many ap­pro­ac­hes in­clu­des HIT so­lar cells (he­te­ro-jun­ction so­lar cell with an in­trin­sic thin amorp­ho­us layer) fa­bri­ca­ted at tem­pe­ra­tu­res be­low 300oC. In this pa­per, the elec­tri­cal cha­rac­te­ri­stics of HIT so­lar cells are si­mu­la­ted by using the TCAD Sil­va­co soft­wa­re pac­ka­ge. The struc­tu­re of HIT so­lar cell is op­ti­mi­zed in or­der to ob­tain the­ir ma­xi­mum ef­fi­ci­ency. In ad­di­tion, the mo­di­fi­ca­ti­ons of the si­mu­la­tion pro­ce­du­re, which al­low the si­mu­la­tion of HIT so­lar cell, are de­scri­bed.

Keywords: so­lar cells, he­te­ro-jun­ction, amorp­ho­us/crystal­li­ne si­li­con, si­mu­la­tion.


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