
Contemporary Materials I−2 (2010)

Contemporary Materials I−2 (2010)     Page 168 of 174

UDK 616.314−002


O. Dolić, J.Vojinović,* M. Obradović, S. Sukara, Ž. Kojić, N. Trtić

University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Medicine, Save Mrkalja 14, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, B&H


Ca­ri­es is mo­re li­kely to oc­cur in fis­su­res and pits on oc­clu­sal to­oth sur­fa­ce than on its smo­oth sur­fa­ce. Pre­ven­ti­on of den­tal ca­ri­es on oc­clu­sal sur­fa­ce is pos­si­ble by applying com­po­si­tes, com­po­mers and glass-iono­mer ce­ments, as met­hods of fis­su­re and pit se­a­ling, im­me­di­a­tely af­ter to­oth erup­ti­on. The de­ve­lop­ment of ad­he­si­ve den­ti­stry has ena­bled ef­fec­ti­ve im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of this met­hod, which has be­co­me one of the first mi­ni­mally in­va­si­ve pro­ce­du­res. Alt­ho­ugh it is very sim­ple and eco­no­mi­cally vi­a­ble, the met­hod of fis­su­re and pits se­a­ling is still ra­rely ap­pli­ed in our area. The pa­per outli­nes cha­rac­te­ri­stics of ma­te­ri­als used in the met­hod of fis­su­re and pits se­a­ling and shows the sta­te of se­a­ling, re­ten­ti­on of se­a­lant on the first per­ma­nent mo­lars in a three-year pe­ri­od, af­ter the first, se­cond and third year of fis­su­re and pits se­a­ling .

Keywords: ca­ri­es, com­po­si­tes, com­po­mers, glass-iono­mer ce­ments, fis­su­re and pits se­a­ling.


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