
Contemporary Materials I−2 (2010)

Contemporary Materials I−2 (2010)     Page 157 of 162

UDK 535.42:[546+546.16]

B. Katavić1,*, S. Ristić1, Z. Nikolić1, S. Polić Radovanović2, M. Vilotijević1, M. Puharić1

1 Institute Gosa, Belgrade, Serbia
2 Central institute for conservation, Belgrade, Serbia


Cop­per and alu­mi­num are ma­te­ri­als that ha­ve tec­hno­lo­gi­cal, fun­cti­o­nal and ex­pres­si­ve va­lue in the con­tem­po­rary art and ar­chi­tec­tu­re. The­re­fo­re, studying the pos­si­bi­li­ti­es of pro­tec­ti­on of the­se ma­te­ri­als by using non-de­struc­ti­ve met­hod is of gre­at im­por­tan­ce when it co­mes to cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge. The pa­per pre­sents the re­sults of in­ter­ac­ti­ons of la­ser light with wa­ve­length λ = 694.3nm (Ruby la­ser, Q-switch mo­de) and me­tal sam­ples, co­ve­red with a de­po­sit. The go­al of in­ve­sti­ga­ti­on was to de­ter­mi­ne the ma­xi­mum energy den­sity of the la­ser be­am which can be used to re­mo­ve de­po­sit and do­es not in­ter­act with the ba­sic ma­te­ri­al at the sa­me ti­me. The ef­fects of la­ser in­ter­ac­ti­on are in­ve­sti­ga­ted by SEM and EDX.
Keywords: laser, interaction, cultural heritage.


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