
Contemporary Materials I−2 (2010)

Contemporary Materials I−2 (2010)     Page 138 of 143

UDK 533.9:621.382.2.014.1


M. Zlatanović,* I. Popović

University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia


The ap­pli­ca­ti­on of pul­se DC po­wer supply re­sul­ted in a sig­ni­fi­cant advan­ce of pla­sma sur­fa­ce pro­ces­sing of ma­te­ri­als com­pa­red to con­ti­nu­o­us DC supply. The synthe­sis of new ma­te­ri­als and va­ri­o­us sur­fa­ce struc­tu­res for­ma­ti­on was pro­vi­ded, as well as a re­li­a­ble ope­ra­ti­on due to in­tro­duc­ti­on of new pro­cess pa­ra­me­ters such as pul­se fre­qu­ency and duty cycle and due to sup­pres­si­on of glow-to-arc tran­si­ti­ons. As a re­sult, physi­cal and che­mi­cal pro­ces­ses on the ma­te­ri­al sur­fa­ce can be con­trol­led by new pul­se ge­ne­ra­tor pa­ra­me­ters, but the­ir com­plex de­pen­den­ce on cat­ho­de physi­cal pro­per­ti­es and cat­ho­de ge­o­me­try, as well as on wor­king gas com­po­si­ti­on re­ma­i­ned. On the ot­her hand, ti­me and spa­ce pro­cess ef­fi­ci­ency is to so­me ex­tent lo­we­red com­pa­red to con­ti­nu­o­us DC pla­sma tre­at­ment due to pe­ri­o­dic tran­si­ti­on to the sta­ti­o­nary sta­te. In or­der to im­pro­ve pro­cess ef­fi­ci­ency, pul­se ge­ne­ra­tor pa­ra­me­ters sho­uld be set to pro­vi­de system tran­si­ti­on to the sta­ti­o­nary sta­te du­ring the pul­se pe­ri­od.

In this pa­per we in­ve­sti­ga­ted gas dischar­ge sta­tic cha­rac­te­ri­stics, af­ter the dischar­ge spre­ad over the who­le cat­ho­de sur­fa­ce. It was fo­und that sta­tic dischar­ge cha­rac­te­ri­stics we­re mostly de­pen­dent on the wor­king pres­su­re. The sta­tic re­si­stan­ce of the dischar­ge dec­re­a­sed with in­cre­a­sing of dischar­ge vol­ta­ge and dec­re­a­sing the cat­ho­de tem­pe­ra­tu­re. It was con­clu­ded that the cat­ho­de he­a­ting can be per­for­med at the con­stant dischar­ge cur­rent by slowly in­cre­a­sing pul­se po­wer supply vol­ta­ge.

Keywords: gas dischar­ge, sta­tic cha­rac­te­ri­stics, pul­se pla­sma pro­ces­ses, sur­fa­ce tre­at­ment.


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