
Contemporary Materials I−1 (2010)

Contemporary Materials, I–1 (2010)     Page 105 - 111

UDK 546–26/641–49


T. Puškar1, D. Jevremović2, L. Blažić1, D. Vasiljević3, D. Pantelić3, B. Murić3, B. Trifković4

1 University of Novi Sad, Medical faculty, School of Dentistry, Dental clinic of Vojvodina, Hajduk Veljkova 12, Serbia
2 University ”Business academy”, School of Dentistry, Pančevo, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Zrenjaninski put 179, Pančevo, Serbia
3 University of Belgrade, Institute of Physics, Laboratory for optics and lasers, Pregrevica 118, Zemun, Serbia
4 University of Belgrade, School of Dentistry, Clinic for Prosthodontics,Belgrade, Rankeova 4, Serbia


Polyme­ri­za­tion shrin­ka­ge is one of the most cri­ti­cal pro­per­ti­es of est­he­tic resin-ba­sed den­tal re­sto­ra­ti­ve ma­te­ri­als and may ha­ve a ne­ga­ti­ve im­pact on the­ir cli­ni­cal per­for­man­ce. As the com­po­si­te is ad­he­si­vely bon­ded, con­trac­tion of com­po­si­te ma­te­rial that oc­curs du­ring the polyme­ri­za­tion ca­u­ses stress and strain of hard den­tal tis­su­es. Polyme­ri­za­tion shrin­ka­ge al­so af­fects the ma­in­te­nan­ce of the bon­ded in­ter­fa­ce bet­we­en the com­po­si­te re­sin and den­tal hard tis­su­es. The aim of this study is to pre­sent holographic in­ter­fe­ro­me­try as a met­hod for de­tec­ting and me­a­su­ring strain of den­tal hard tis­sue ca­u­sed by the polyme­ri­za­tion shrin­ka­ge of the den­tal com­po­si­te. Ma­te­ri­als and met­hods: Strain was me­a­su­red ex­pe­ri­men­tally, by real ti­me ho­lo­grap­hic in­ter­fe­ro­me­try, on the ma­xil­lary te­eth. Strain of den­tal tis­sue was de­ter­mi­ned by co­un­ting the interferomen­tic frin­ges that ap­pe­a­red du­ring the polyme­ri­za­tion pro­cess. Re­sults: The defor­ma­tion was re­cor­ded on the co­ro­nal den­tal tis­sue from 2.25 µm to 5.8 µm. The conclu­sion is that ho­lo­grap­hic in­ter­fe­ro­me­try is a non-con­tact, non-de­struc­ti­ve, very preci­se met­hod for me­a­su­ring de­for­ma­tion of hard den­tal tis­su­es that is ca­u­sed by the polyme­ri­za­tion shrin­ka­ge of den­tal com­po­si­te.  

Keywords: Resin based composites, polymerization shrinkage, holographic inter­ferometry.

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