
Contemporary Materials I−1 (2010)

Contemporary Materials, I–1 (2010)     Page 51 - 60

UDK 616–001:004.4


M. Kojić,1,2,3,4, I. Vlastelica,5,6 B. Stojanović,3,7 V. Ranković,3 A. Tsuda1

Harvard School of Public Health Harvard University, 677 Huntington Avenue, MA 02115, Boston, USA
Department of Nanomedicine and Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas Medical Center at Houston, Houston, USA
Research and Development Center for Bioengineering, Sretenjskog ustava 27, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia
High School, Čačak, Serbia
Metropolitan University, Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia


Mec­ha­ni­cal cha­rac­te­ri­stics of bi­o­lo­gi­cal mem­bra­nes are very im­por­tant in functi­o­ning of so­me human or­gans. A typi­cal exam­ple is lung mic­ro­struc­tu­re which represents an al­ve­o­la­ted system whe­re the gas ex­chan­ge oc­curs at the sur­fa­ce of biological mem­bra­nes. The ove­rall area of the mem­bra­ne sur­fa­ce is hu­ge and it significantly chan­ges du­ring in­spi­ra­tion-ex­pi­ra­ti­on bre­at­hing cycles. The mem­bra­nes are co­ve­red by a sur­fac­tant, a sur­fa­ce-ac­ti­ve li­po­pro­tein com­plex, vi­tally im­por­tant for the nor­mal lung fun­ction.

In this pa­per we first de­scri­be mem­bra­ne tis­sue ma­te­rial cha­rac­te­ri­stics ob­ta­i­ned by experi­men­tal in­ve­sti­ga­ti­ons and then bri­efly sum­ma­ri­ze com­pu­ta­ti­o­nal pro­ce­du­res employed for com­pu­ter mode­ling of the bi­o­lo­gi­cal mem­bra­ne mec­ha­ni­cal re­spon­se experi­en­cing lar­ge de­for­ma­ti­ons over cycling lo­a­ding. The­se pro­ce­du­res are im­ple­men­ted to a sim­ple mo­del of bi­a­xi­al cycling stretching of a bi­o­lo­gi­cal mem­bra­ne co­ve­red by surfac­tant, and with el­lip­ti­cal ho­le and a ring at the ho­le rim.

Keywords: Soft tis­sue har­de­ning cha­rac­te­ri­stics, hyste­re­sis of tis­sue and sur­fac­tant, compu­ter mo­de­ling, fi­ni­te ele­ment met­hod, stress in­te­gra­tion.



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