
Contemporary Materials I−1 (2010)

Contemporary Materials, I–1 (2010)      Page 4 - 18

UDK 530.145:546.26


M. Logar1, B.  Jančar1, A. Rečnik2, D. Suvorov1

1 Advanced Materials Department, Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
2 Nanostructured Materials Department, Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Mul­ti­layers for­med from we­ak polyions of polyallyla­mi­ne (PAH) and polyacrylic acid (PAA), posses­sing ion-ex­chan­ge­a­ble car­boxylic gro­ups we­re used to bind the me­tal ca­ti­ons wit­hin the film. By sub­se­qu­ent wet che­mi­cal re­ac­tion pro­cess of the in­cor­po­ra­ted me­tal ions, pu­re zinc sul­fi­de (ZnS) with a nar­row si­ze di­stri­bu­tion was for­med wit­hin the PEMs. The si­ze and con­cen­tra­tion of the inor­ga­nic nanopar­tic­les in polyion ma­trix we­re con­trol­led by the con­cen­tra­tion of me­tal – bin­ding car­boxylic acid gro­ups as de­ter­mi­ned by the mul­ti­layer as­sembly pH. Furt­her­mo­re, the me­tal ca­tion loading and re­ac­tion met­ho­do­logy co­uld be repeatedly cycled to in­cre­a­se the si­ze and volu­me den­sity of the na­no­par­tic­les. Furt­her­mo­re, the polyelec­trolyte mul­ti­layer films we­re used as tem­pla­tes for the ce­ra­mic (TiO2) thin film fa­bri­ca­tion with a mo­di­fied solgel reac­tion. Since the multi­layer as­sembly is per­for­med from the polyion aqu­e­o­us so­lu­ti­ons, the mul­ti­layers con­tain so­me wa­ter that, af­ter in­fil­tra­tion of the or­ga­no­me­tal­lic pre­cur­sor, ena­bles in-si­tu re­ac­tion of hydrolysis and con­den­sa­tion re­ac­tion. Af­ter calcination, nanocrystal­li­ne TiO2 thin films with thic­kness, con­trol­la­ble by the num­ber of the polyion layers in the ma­trix, we­re for­med. With the in-si­tu synthesis ap­pro­ach of inor­ga­nic nanstruc­tu­res in polyelec­trolyte mul­ti­layer ma­trix, the ability of ob­ta­i­ning the con­trol over the film thic­kness and si­ze of the inor­ga­nic par­tic­les has enabled the tu­ning of the op­ti­cal pro­per­ti­es of as fabricated inor­ga­nic-or­ga­nic com­po­si­te films, as well as nanocrystal­li­ne ce­ra­mic films.

Keywords: Polyelec­trolyte mul­ti­layer, in-si­tu synthe­sis, ZnS na­no­par­tic­les, Na­no­crystal­li­ne TiO2 film.


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