
Contemporary Materials II−1 (2011)

Contemporary Materials II−1 (2011) Page 88 of 93

UDK 66‒017:621.362.1]:539.42

M. Kutin*, S. Ristić, M. Puharić, M. Vilotijević, M. Krmar

Institute Goša, Belgrade, Milana Rakića 35, Serbia 

The re­sults ob­ta­i­ned in the pa­ral­lel te­sting of the epoxy-glass com­po­si­te spe­ci­men, using con­ven­ti­o­nal mec­ha­ni­cal met­hods and ther­mo­graphy, are pre­sen­ted. The ten­si­le pro­per­ti­es of com­po­si­te we­re fol­lo­wed by ther­mo­graphy. The tem­pe­ra­tu­re chan­ges on the te­sted sam­ple we­re con­ti­nu­o­usly re­cor­ded ena­bling the pre­dic­tion of the cri­ti­cal stres­ses, which might ca­u­se the frac­tu­res and to de­fi­ne the cri­te­ria on the ma­xi­mum sam­ple tem­pe­ra­tu­re al­te­ra­tion in the fi­eld of the ela­stic and ela­stic-pla­stic de­for­ma­tion of in­ve­sti­ga­ted spe­ci­men.

Keywords: tension, thermography, fracture mechanics, glass-epoxy composite.

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