
Contemporary Materials II−1 (2011)

Contemporary Materials II−1 (2011) Page 51 of 54

UDK 661.882`022‒14:669.721


V. V. Petrović1,*, S. Obradović2, A. Žorić3, H. Milošević4

1 Higher School of Electrical Engineering and Computers of Vocational Studies, Belgrade, Vojvode Stepe 283, Serbia
2 Megatrend University, Faculty for Computer Sciences, Belgrade, Bulevar umetnosti 29, Serbia
3 Pristina University, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kneza Miloša 7, Serbia
4 Pristina University, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Lole Ribara 29, Serbia



In this pa­per mag­ne­si­um car­bo­na­te (MgCO3) and ti­ta­ni­um-di­o­xi­de (TiO2), crystal­li­ne mo­di­fi­ca­tion ru­ti­le we­re used as star­ting pow­ders.. Pro­cess of sin­te­ring can be en­han­ced if mec­ha­ni­cal ac­ti­va­tion pre­ce­des. Mec­ha­ni­cal ac­ti­va­tion of the star­ting mix­tu­re was per­for­med by high energy ball mil­ling using ZrO balls and ves­sels with ball to pow­der mass ra­tio 40:1. The ob­ser­ved grin­ding ti­mes we­re 15, 30, 60 and 120 mi­nu­tes. The isot­her­mal sin­te­ring of com­pac­ted pow­ders was con­duc­ted at 1100oC du­ring 30, 60 and 180 mi­nu­tes. For spe­ci­mens synthe­si­zed in such a man­ner, mic­ro­wa­ve di­e­lec­tric pro­per­ti­es we­re me­a­su­red, qu­a­lity fac­tor Q, spe­ci­fic elec­tri­cal re­si­sti­vity (ρ) and the di­e­lec­tric con­stant (εr).

Keywords: magnesium carbonate, titanium-dioxide, dielectric properties.

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