
Contemporary Materials II−1 (2011)

Contemporary Materials II−1 (2011) Page 27 of 39

UDK 661.12:66.012

D. Lj. Mirjanić 1,*, A. J. Šetrajčić Tomić 2, J. P. Šetrajčić 1,3

1 The Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska, 78000 Banja Luka, Bana Lazarevića st. 1, Republic of Srpska, B&H
2 University of Novi Sad, Medical Faculty, Department of Pharmacy, Vojvodina – Serbia
3 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics, Vojvodina – Serbia



Ba­sed on our re­se­arch in ul­trat­hin crystal struc­tu­res per­for­med so far, su­per­lat­ti­ces, Q-wi­res and Q-dots, we will con­si­der the ma­te­ri­als that can act as car­ri­ers for me­di­ci­nes and tag­ged sub­stan­ces. For this pur­po­se we esta­blis­hed a shell-mo­del of ul­trat­hin mo­le­cu­lar crystals and in­ve­sti­ga­ted the­ir di­e­lec­tric, par­ti­cu­larly op­tic cha­rac­te­ri­stics. We con­duc­ted this re­se­arch with the help of two-ti­me de­pen­dent Green's fun­ction met­hod, adju­sted to ul­trat­hin crystal­li­ne struc­tu­re analysis. It is shown that spe­ci­fic re­so­nant ab­sorp­tion li­nes ap­pe­ar in the­se struc­tu­res, the num­ber of which de­pends on crystal layers po­si­tion and on va­lu­es of pa­ra­me­ters on shell-struc­tu­re bo­un­dary sur­fa­ces. The ab­sorp­tion of elec­tro­mag­ne­tic ra­di­a­tion dec­li­nes in in­fra­red part and its de­tec­tion is a re­la­ti­vely easy pro­cess.

In this pa­per we will analyze ap­pli­ca­tion of na­no­ma­te­ri­als in bi­o­me­di­ci­ne, that is to say we will pre­sent the re­cent ac­com­plis­hments in ba­sic and cli­ni­cal na­no­me­di­ci­ne. Ac­hi­e­ving full po­ten­tial of na­no­me­di­ci­ne may be years of even de­ca­des away, ho­we­ver, po­ten­tial advan­ces in drug de­li­very, di­ag­no­sis, and de­ve­lop­ment of na­no­tec­hno­logy-re­la­ted drugs start to chan­ge the landsca­pe of me­di­ci­ne. Si­te-spe­ci­fic tar­ge­ted drug de­li­very (ma­de pos­si­ble by the ava­i­la­bi­lity of uni­que de­li­very plat­forms, such as den­dri­mers, na­no­par­tic­les and na­no­li­po­so­mes) and per­so­na­li­zed me­di­ci­ne (re­sult of the advan­ce in phar­ma­co­ge­ne­tics) are just a few con­cepts on the ho­ri­zon of re­se­arch. In this pa­per, espe­ci­ally, we ha­ve analyzed the chan­ges in ba­sic physi­cal pro­per­ti­es of sphe­ri­cal-sha­ped na­no­par­tic­les that can be ma­de in se­ve­ral (na­no)layers and ha­ve, at the sa­me ti­me, mul­ti­ple ap­pli­ca­ti­ons in me­di­ci­ne.

Keywords: shell model, nanomaterials, biopharmacy, nanomedicine.

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